Watch Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo - 1966 online streaming full movie in HD for free.
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Streaming Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (1966) full movie online HD free.
The Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo was the movie in 1966 that's directed by Sergio Leone.
This Western movie was released on 23 Dec 1966 in the theater.
The Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo movie starred by Eli Wallach as Tuco and also Clint Eastwood as Blondie.
Are you looking for place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (1966). You can also stream and download new and old full movies online. Enjoy and relax streaming full Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo movie in good quality online.
Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo 1966 Detail / Info
Genre : Western,
Duration : 161 min
Release Date : 23 Dec 1966
Rating : 8.9
Writer : Luciano Vincenzoni (story), Sergio Leone (story), Agenore Incrocci (screenplay), Furio Scarpelli (screenplay), Luciano Vincenzoni (screenplay), Sergio Leone (screenplay), Mickey Knox (English version by)
Director : Sergio Leone
Company : United Artists
Movie Casts :
Eli Wallach as Tuco, Clint Eastwood as Blondie,Lee Van Cleef as Sentenza/Angel Eyes, Aldo Giuffrè as Alcoholic Union Captain, Luigi Pistilli asFather Pablo Ramirez, Rada Rassimov as Maria
The Synopsis / Storyline of Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo
While the Civil War rages between the Union and the Confederacy, three men – a quiet loner, a ruthless hit man and a Mexican bandit – comb the American Southwest in search of a strongbox containing $200,000 in stolen gold.
A bounty hunting scam joins two men in an uneasy alliance against a third in a race to find a fortune in gold buried in a remote cemetery.
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