Watch The Name of the Rose - 1986 online streaming full movie in HD for free.
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Streaming The Name of the Rose (1986) full movie online HD free.
The The Name of the Rose was the movie in 1986 that's directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud.
This Drama movie was released on 24 Sep 1986 in the theater.
The The Name of the Rose movie starred by Sean Connery as William of Baskerville and also Christian Slater as Adso of Melk.
Are you looking for place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch The Name of the Rose (1986). You can also stream and download new and old full movies online. Enjoy and relax streaming full The Name of the Rose movie in good quality online.
The Name of the Rose 1986 Detail / Info
Genre : Drama, Thriller
Duration : 130 min
Release Date : 24 Sep 1986
Rating : 7.8
Writer : Umberto Eco (novel), Andrew Birkin (screenplay), Gérard Brach (screenplay), Howard Franklin (screenplay), Alain Godard (screenplay)
Director : Jean-Jacques Annaud
Company : Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF)
Movie Casts :
Sean Connery as William of Baskerville, Christian Slater as Adso of Melk,Helmut Qualtinger as Remigio de Varagine, Elya Baskin as Severinus, Feodor Chaliapin Jr. as Jorge de Burgos, Valentina Vargas as The Girl
The Synopsis / Storyline of The Name of the Rose
In this adaptation of Umberto Eco's best-selling novel, 14th-century Franciscan monk William of Baskerville and his young novice arrive at a conference to find that several monks have been murdered under mysterious circumstances. To solve the crimes, William must rise up against the Church's authority and fight the shadowy conspiracy of monastery monks using only his intelligence -- which is considerable.
An intellectually nonconformist monk investigates a series of mysterious deaths in an isolated abbey.
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