Watch A Hologram for the King - 2016 online streaming full movie in HD for free.
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Streaming A Hologram for the King (2016) full movie online HD free.
The A Hologram for the King was the movie in 2016 that's directed by Tom Tykwer.
This Comedy movie was released on 22 Apr 2016 in the theater.
The A Hologram for the King movie starred by Tom Hanks as Alan Clay and also Alexander Black as Yousef.
Are you looking for place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch A Hologram for the King (2016). You can also stream and download new and old full movies online. Enjoy and relax streaming full A Hologram for the King movie in good quality online.
A Hologram for the King 2016 Detail / Info
Genre : Comedy, Drama
Duration : 97 min
Release Date : 22 Apr 2016
Rating : 6.6
Writer : Dave Eggers (novel), Tom Tykwer (screenplay)
Director : Tom Tykwer
Company :
Movie Casts :
Tom Hanks as Alan Clay, Alexander Black as Yousef,Sarita Choudhury as , Sidse Babett Knudsen as Hanne, Ben Whishaw as Dave, Tom Skerritt asRon
The Synopsis / Storyline of A Hologram for the King
Alan Clay, a struggling American businessman, travels to Saudi Arabia to sell a new technology to the King, only to be challenged by endless Middle Eastern bureaucracy, a perpetually absent monarch, and a suspicious growth on his back.
A failed American businessman looks to recoup his losses by traveling to Saudi Arabia and selling his idea to a wealthy monarch.
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