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Watch Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains - 1982 online streaming full movie in HD for free. Stream Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains full movie free in good quality without download online. Streaming Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains (1982) full movie online HD free.
The Synopsis / Storyline of Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains :
Corrine Burns retreats far into plans for her band, The Fabulous Stains, after her mother's death.
The media and disaffected teens mistake the acerbic rants of an obnoxious teenage punk rocker as a rallying cry for the women of America, launching her and her talentless group to national stardom.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains 1982 Detail / Info :
Genre : Drama, Music
Duration : 87 min
Release Date : 01 Oct 1982
Rating : 6.9
Writer : Nancy Dowd
Director : Lou Adler
Company :
Movie Casts :
Diane Lane as Corinne Burns, Ray Winstone as Billy - Vocals for The Looters,Peter Donat as Harley Dennis, David Clennon as Dave Robell - The Agent, John Lehne as Stu McGrath, Cynthia Sikes as Alicia Meeker.
The Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains was the movie in 1982 that's directed by Lou Adler. This Drama movie was released on 01 Oct 1982 in the theater.
The Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains movie starred by Diane Lane as Corinne Burns and also Ray Winstone as Billy - Vocals for The Looters.
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