The Quartet was the movie in that's directed by .
This Comedy movie was released on in the theater.
The Quartet movie starred by Maggie Smith as Jean Horton and also Tom Courtenay as Reginald Paget.
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The Synopsis / Storyline of Quartet (2012)
The directorial debut of Dustin Hoffman, Quartet is a high-drama comedy about temperamental divas and old grudges, passion and pride, romance and Rigoletto, starring Maggie Smith, Tom Courtenay, Billy Connolly and Pauline Collins as four retired opera singers.
Quartet (2012) Detail / Info
Genre : Comedy, Drama
Duration : 98 min
Company : Headline Pictures
Movie Casts :
Maggie Smith as Jean Horton, Tom Courtenay as Reginald Paget,Billy Connolly as Wilf Bond, Pauline Collins as Cissy Robson, Michael Gambon asCedric Livingston, Sheridan Smith as Dr. Lucy Cogan
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