The Kon-Tiki was the movie in 1950 that's directed by Thor Heyerdahl.
This Documentary movie was released on 13 Jan 1950 in the theater.
The Kon-Tiki movie starred by Thor Heyerdahl as Himself and also Herman Watzinger as Himself.
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The Synopsis / Storyline of Kon-Tiki
"Kon-Tiki" was the name of a wooden raft used by six Scandinavian scientists, led by Thor Heyerdahl, to make a 101-day journey from South America to the Polynesian Islands. The purpose of the expedition was to prove Heyerdal's theory that the Polynesian Islands were populated from the east---specifically Peru---rather than from the west (Asia) as had been the theory for hundreds of years. Heyerdahl made a study of the winds and tides in the Pacific, and by simulating conditions as closely as possible to those he theorized the Peruvians encountered, set out on the voyage.
A documentary about the Kon-Tiki expedition of the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl.
Kon-Tiki 1950 Detail / Info
Genre : Documentary,
Duration : 58 min
Release Date : 13 Jan 1950
Rating : 8.0
Writer : Thor Heyerdahl
Director : Thor Heyerdahl
Company :
Movie Casts :
Thor Heyerdahl as Himself, Herman Watzinger as Himself,Erik Hesselberg as Himself, Knut Haugland as Himself, Torstein Raaby as Himself, Bengt Danielsson as Himself
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