Watch V/H/S: Viral - 2014 online streaming full movie in HD for free.
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Streaming V/H/S: Viral (2014) full movie online HD free.
The V/H/S: Viral was the movie in 2014 that's directed by Justin Benson, Gregg Bishop, Todd Lincoln, Aaron Moorhead, Marcel Sarmiento, Nacho Vigalondo.
This Horror movie was released on 23 Oct 2014 in the theater.
The V/H/S: Viral movie starred by Justin Welborn as Dante and also Emmy Argo as Scarlett.
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V/H/S: Viral 2014 Detail / Info
Genre : Horror, Thriller
Duration : 81 min
Release Date : 23 Oct 2014
Rating : 4.3
Writer : Justin Benson, Gregg Bishop, T.J. Cimfel, Ed Dougherty (additional material), Todd Lincoln, Aaron Moorhead, Marcel Sarmiento (story), Nacho Vigalondo, David White
Director : Justin Benson, Gregg Bishop, Todd Lincoln, Aaron Moorhead, Marcel Sarmiento, Nacho Vigalondo
Company : Bloody Disgusting
Movie Casts :
Justin Welborn as Dante, Emmy Argo as Scarlett,Gustavo Salmerón as Alfonso, Patrick Lawrie as , Celia K. Milius as , Nick Blanco as
The Synopsis / Storyline of V/H/S: Viral
V/H/S: VIRAL's segments include the story of a deranged illusionist who obtains a magical object of great power, a homemade machine that opens a door to a parallel world, teenage skaters that unwillingly become targets of a Mexican death cult ritual, and a sinister, shadowy organization that is tracking a serial killer. The segments are tied together by the story of a group of fame-obsessed teens following a violent car chase in LA that unwittingly become stars of the next internet sensation.
Follows fame-obsessed teens who unwittingly become stars of the next internet sensation.
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