Watch El Abrazo de la Serpiente - 2015 online streaming full movie in HD for free.
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Streaming El Abrazo de la Serpiente (2015) full movie online HD free.
The El Abrazo de la Serpiente was the movie in 2015 that's directed by Ciro Guerra.
This Drama movie was released on 25 May 2015 in the theater.
The El Abrazo de la Serpiente movie starred by Brionne Davis as Richard Evans Schultes and also Jan Bijvoet as Theodor Koch-Grunberg.
Are you looking for place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch El Abrazo de la Serpiente (2015). You can also stream and download new and old full movies online. Enjoy and relax streaming full El Abrazo de la Serpiente movie in good quality online.
El Abrazo de la Serpiente 2015 Detail / Info
Genre : Drama, Adventure
Duration : 125 min
Release Date : 25 May 2015
Rating : 8.2
Writer : Ciro Guerra, Theodor Koch-Grunberg (based on the diary by), Richard Evans Schultes (based on the diary by), Jacques Toulemonde Vidal
Director : Ciro Guerra
Company : Caracol Televisión
Movie Casts :
Brionne Davis as Richard Evans Schultes, Jan Bijvoet as Theodor Koch-Grunberg,Luigi Sciamanna as Priest Gaspar, Nilbio Torres as Young Karamakate, Antonio Bolivar as Old Karamakate, Nicolás Cancino as Anizetto
The Synopsis / Storyline of El Abrazo de la Serpiente
The epic story of the first contact, encounter, approach, betrayal and, eventually, life-transcending friendship, between Karamakate, an Amazonian shaman, last survivor of his people, and two scientists that, over the course of 40 years, travel through the Amazon in search of a sacred plant that can heal them. Inspired by the journals of the first explorers of the Colombian Amazon, Theodor Koch-Grunberg and Richard Evans Schultes.
The story of the relationship between Karamakate, an Amazonian shaman and last survivor of his people, and two scientists who work together over the course of 40 years to search the Amazon for a sacred healing plant.
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