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Streaming L'uomo delle stelle (1995) full movie online HD free.
The L'uomo delle stelle was the movie in 1995 that's directed by Giuseppe Tornatore.
This Drama movie was released on 08 Mar 1996 in the theater.
The L'uomo delle stelle movie starred by Sergio Castellitto as Joe Morelli (Giuseppe Romolo) and also Antonella Attili as Nurse.
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L'uomo delle stelle 1995 Detail / Info
Genre : Drama, Romance
Duration : 113 min
Release Date : 08 Mar 1996
Rating : 7.3
Writer : Giuseppe Tornatore (story), Fabio Rinaudo (screenplay), Giuseppe Tornatore (screenplay)
Director : Giuseppe Tornatore
Company : Cecchi Gori Group Tiger Cinematografica
Movie Casts :
Sergio Castellitto as Joe Morelli (Giuseppe Romolo), Antonella Attili as Nurse,Tiziana Lodato as Beata, Franco Scaldati as Brigadiere Mastropaolo, as , as
The Synopsis / Storyline of L'uomo delle stelle
The adventures and deceptions of a photographer who travels through the small villages of Sicily pretending that he is working for the big film studios in Rome.
A photographer and the types of people he encounters.
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