Watch Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - 2016 online streaming full movie in HD for free.
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Streaming Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016) full movie online HD free.
The Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was the movie in 2016 that's directed by Burr Steers.
This Romance movie was released on 05 Feb 2016 in the theater.
The Pride and Prejudice and Zombies movie starred by Lily James as Elizabeth Bennet and also Jack Huston as Mr. Wickham.
Are you looking for place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016). You can also stream and download new and old full movies online. Enjoy and relax streaming full Pride and Prejudice and Zombies movie in good quality online.
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies 2016 Detail / Info
Genre : Romance, Horror
Duration : 108 min
Release Date : 05 Feb 2016
Rating : 5.4
Writer : Burr Steers (screenplay), Jane Austen (Quirk Books novel), Seth Grahame-Smith (Quirk Books novel)
Director : Burr Steers
Company : Lionsgate
Movie Casts :
Lily James as Elizabeth Bennet, Jack Huston as Mr. Wickham,Matt Smith as Mr. Collins, Douglas Booth as Mr. Bingley, Sam Riley as Mr. Darcy, Bella Heathcote as Jane Bennet
The Synopsis / Storyline of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is based on a 2009 parody novel by Seth Grahame-Smith. It is a mashup combining Jane Austen's classic 1813 novel Pride and Prejudice with elements of modern zombie fiction.
Jane Austen's classic tale of the tangled relationships between lovers from different social classes in 19th century England is faced with a new challenge -- an army of undead zombies.
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