Watch American Muscle - 2014 online streaming full movie in HD for free.
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Streaming American Muscle (2014) full movie online HD free.
The American Muscle was the movie in 2014 that's directed by Ravi Dhar.
This Action movie was released on 30 Sep 2014 in the theater.
The American Muscle movie starred by Nick Principe as John Falcon and also Robin Sydney as Darling.
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American Muscle 2014 Detail / Info
Genre : Action,
Duration : 77 min
Release Date : 30 Sep 2014
Rating : 3.9
Writer : John Fallon
Director : Ravi Dhar
Company : Snowfort Pictures
Movie Casts :
Nick Principe as John Falcon, Robin Sydney as Darling,Todd Farmer as Sam Falcon, Malice McMunn as Sassy Fanny, Trent Haaga as Styles, John Fallon as Tongues
The Synopsis / Storyline of American Muscle
John Falcon did 10 years of hard time in prison. Now he's got 24 hours to get revenge on every person who had a hand in sending him there.
John Falcon did 10 years of hard time in prison. Now he's got 24 hours to get revenge on every person who had a hand in sending him there.
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