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Streaming Grzeli nateli dgeebi (2013) full movie online HD free.
The Grzeli nateli dgeebi was the movie in 2013 that's directed by Nana Ekvtimishvili, Simon Groß.
This Drama movie was released on 10 Jan 2014 in the theater.
The Grzeli nateli dgeebi movie starred by Lika Babluani as Eka and also Mariam Bokeria as Natia.
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Grzeli nateli dgeebi 2013 Detail / Info
Genre : Drama,
Duration : 102 min
Release Date : 10 Jan 2014
Rating : 8.1
Writer : Nana Ekvtimishvili
Director : Nana Ekvtimishvili, Simon Groß
Company : Arizona Films
Movie Casts :
Lika Babluani as Eka, Mariam Bokeria as Natia,Zurab Gogaladze as Kote, Data Zakareishvili as Lado, Giorgi Aladashvili as Kopla, Gia Shonia asWakho
The Synopsis / Storyline of Grzeli nateli dgeebi
Tbilisi, Georgia, 1992: The Soviet era is over and Georgia must fend for itself. Civil war is raging in the province of Abkhazia. For Natia and Eka, fourteen-year-old, childhood is coming to an end. Eka is growing up without her father, rebelling against her concerned mother and her older sister. And Natia’s father, a choleric alcoholic, terrorizes the entire family. The two friends cannot find peace outside of the family either – not in school, not on the street, and not in the bread lines. Chaos, insecurity, and fear of what the future might bring hold sway in everyday life. An admirer gives Natia a pistol with one single bullet. A little later, she’s abducted by another admirer.
Set in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi in 1992. Friends Eka and Natia look to leave childhood behind as they ignore societal customs and work to escape their turbulent family lives.
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