Watch Dazed and Confused - 1993 online streaming full movie in HD for free.
Stream Dazed and Confused full movie free in good quality without download online. Streaming Dazed and Confused (1993) full movie online HD free.
The Dazed and Confused was the movie in 1993 that's directed by Richard Linklater.
This Comedy movie was released on 10 Feb 1994 in the theater.
The Dazed and Confused movie starred by Jason London as Randall 'Pink' Floyd and also Rory Cochrane as Ron Slater.
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Dazed and Confused 1993 Detail / Info
Genre : Comedy, Drama
Duration : 102 min
Release Date : 10 Feb 1994
Rating : 7.7
Writer : Richard Linklater
Director : Richard Linklater
Company : Alphaville Productions
Movie Casts :
Jason London as Randall 'Pink' Floyd, Rory Cochrane as Ron Slater,Wiley Wiggins as Mitch Kramer, Sasha Jenson as Don Dawson, Michelle Burke as Jodie Kramer, Adam Goldberg as Mike Newhouse
The Synopsis / Storyline of Dazed and Confused
A look at some Texas teens on their last day of school in 1976, centering on student Randall Floyd, who moves easily among stoners, jocks and geeks. Floyd is a star athlete, but he also likes smoking weed, which presents a conundrum when his football coach demands he sign a "no drugs" pledge.
The adventures of incoming high school and junior high students on the last day of school, in May of 1976.
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