Watch Au Hasard Balthazar - 1966 online streaming full movie in HD for free.
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Streaming Au Hasard Balthazar (1966) full movie online HD free.
The Au Hasard Balthazar was the movie in 1966 that's directed by Robert Bresson.
This Drama movie was released on 25 May 1966 in the theater.
The Au Hasard Balthazar movie starred by Anne Wiazemsky as Marie and also Walter Green as Jacques.
Are you looking for place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch Au Hasard Balthazar (1966). You can also stream and download new and old full movies online. Enjoy and relax streaming full Au Hasard Balthazar movie in good quality online.
Au Hasard Balthazar 1966 Detail / Info
Genre : Drama,
Duration : 95 min
Release Date : 25 May 1966
Rating : 7.9
Writer : Robert Bresson
Director : Robert Bresson
Company : Argos Films
Movie Casts :
Anne Wiazemsky as Marie, Walter Green as Jacques,François Lafarge as Gérard, Jean-Claude Guilbert as Arnold, Philippe Asselin as Marie's father, as
The Synopsis / Storyline of Au Hasard Balthazar
The sad life and death of Balthazar, a donkey, from an idyllic childhood surrounded by loving children, through adulthood as a downtrodden beast of burden. His life is paralleled with that of the girl who named him, and as she is humiliated by her sadistic lover, so he is beaten by his owner. But he finds a kind of peace when he is employed by an old miller who thinks he is a reincarnated saint.
The story of a mistreated donkey and the people around him. A study on saintliness and a sister piece to Bresson's Mouchette.
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