Watch Der Nachtmahr - 2015 online streaming full movie in HD for free.
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Streaming Der Nachtmahr (2015) full movie online HD free.
The Der Nachtmahr was the movie in 2015 that's directed by Akiz.
This Mystery movie was released on 10 Aug 2015 in the theater.
The Der Nachtmahr movie starred by Carolyn Genzkow as Tina and also Kim Gordon as Lehrerin.
Are you looking for place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch Der Nachtmahr (2015). You can also stream and download new and old full movies online. Enjoy and relax streaming full Der Nachtmahr movie in good quality online.
Der Nachtmahr 2015 Detail / Info
Genre : Mystery,
Duration : 88 min
Release Date : 10 Aug 2015
Rating : 6.6
Writer : Akiz
Director : Akiz
Company :
Movie Casts :
Carolyn Genzkow as Tina, Kim Gordon as Lehrerin,Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht as Adam, Arnd Klawitter as Vater, as , as
The Synopsis / Storyline of Der Nachtmahr
It's summer. One endless, sexy party under the open sky. Tina and her friends are living the dream of a whole generation of decadent Berlin-party-kids. But after one excessive night she's haunted by a mysterious ugly creature in nightmares she has. The only person she talks about her fears to is her psychologist. His advice is to confront her fears and to reach out to the creature. At first Tina refuses but after she hears about her parents' plans to put her in a mental hospital she starts talking to the creature. She slowly realizes that the creature is an incarnation of her fears and that it has the same feelings she does. Afraid of being called a freak she starts hiding the creature in her room. After a while she even gets close to it. It's almost like a relationship with a wild stray animal. For the first time in her life, it almost seems as if Tina has the courage to be herself. But then her parents and her friends see the creature…
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