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Streaming Victoria (2015) full movie online HD free.
The Victoria was the movie in 2015 that's directed by Sebastian Schipper.
This Drama movie was released on 09 Oct 2015 in the theater.
The Victoria movie starred by Laia Costa as Victoria and also Frederick Lau as Sonne.
Are you looking for place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch Victoria (2015). You can also stream and download new and old full movies online. Enjoy and relax streaming full Victoria movie in good quality online.
Victoria 2015 Detail / Info
Genre : Drama, Thriller
Duration : 140 min
Release Date : 09 Oct 2015
Rating : 8.2
Writer : Olivia Neergaard-Holm, Sebastian Schipper, Eike Frederik Schulz
Director : Sebastian Schipper
Company : Radical Media
Movie Casts :
Laia Costa as Victoria, Frederick Lau as Sonne,Franz Rogowski as Boxer, Burak Yigit as Blinker, Max Mauff as Fuss, André Hennicke as Andi
The Synopsis / Storyline of Victoria
Victoria, a young Spanish woman, dances through the Berlin scene with abandon. She meets four mates outside a club who introduce themselves as Sonne, Boxer, Blinker and Fuß. They quickly get chatting. Sonne and Victoria take a fancy to each other and slip away from the group at the first opportunity. But their tender flirting is rudely interrupted by the others because, for these pals, the night is far from over. To settle an old debt they have to pull off a dodgy deal. And because one of them is too drunk, they decide that Victoria, of all people, should take over the role of driver. What began as a game suddenly becomes deadly serious.
A movie shot in a single take about Victoria, a runaway party girl, who's asked by three friendly men to join them as they hit the town. Their wild night of partying turns into a bank robbery.
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