Watch Queen of Earth - 2015 online streaming full movie in HD for free.
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Streaming Queen of Earth (2015) full movie online HD free.
The Queen of Earth was the movie in 2015 that's directed by Alex Ross Perry.
This Drama movie was released on 26 Aug 2015 in the theater.
The Queen of Earth movie starred by Elisabeth Moss as Catherine and also Katherine Waterston as Ginny.
Are you looking for place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch Queen of Earth (2015). You can also stream and download new and old full movies online. Enjoy and relax streaming full Queen of Earth movie in good quality online.
Queen of Earth 2015 Detail / Info
Genre : Drama,
Duration : 90 min
Release Date : 26 Aug 2015
Rating : 6.8
Writer : Alex Ross Perry
Director : Alex Ross Perry
Company : Washington Square Films
Movie Casts :
Elisabeth Moss as Catherine, Katherine Waterston as Ginny,Patrick Fugit as Rich, Kate Lyn Sheil as Michelle, Kentucker Audley as James, Keith Poulson as Keith
The Synopsis / Storyline of Queen of Earth
Two women retreat to a lake house to get a break from the pressures of the outside world, only to realize how disconnected from each other they have become, allowing their suspicions to bleed into reality.
Two women who grew up together discover they have drifted apart when they retreat to a lake house together.
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